Feed me, Seymour

Hi. I'm going to watch Justified and make out with these here grilled cheese sammiches. <3

Udi's makes the BEST gluten free bread, but it's little so a girl has no choice but to make two grilled cheese sammiches at a time.  

I am hungry ALL the time, but I can't eat very much at once so I'm eating ALL DAY LONG.  I know, call the whaaaaambulance.  Today, though, I forgot that I have to eat six times more than I used to, and I took my lunch break at 2:30 so I could go to the bank and the pharmacy.  I was driving to the bank, three hours after I'd eaten last, when suddenly I had to eat.  Immediately.  I was so hungry I got all shaky and almost threw up.  I was right near my favorite Mexican restaurant so I pulled in and asked for a plain quesadilla and chips and watermelon agua fresca to go.  I was so sad to not have any salsa or guacamole.  So sad!  Especially when they asked me seven times if I was sure that I didn't want any salsa.  Sad.

I don't think I'll be like this forever and ever.  I hope not.  It's enough of a pain having to stop and eat so frequently when I'm at home.  I'll have to bring a portable mini fridge if I want to leave the house for more than two hours. 

My second surgery is scheduled for May 10th.  I can't tell you how relieved I am to be so close to being done with the operating part and getting on to the getting well part.  Hmmm, except I just realized that surgery = no eating.  I cannot fathom that at the moment, but maybe that's just because it's been an hour since I last ate. 

I'm starting to feel better, have a little more energy.  Yesterday was my first day back at work, and I was able to put in a full day, cook an easy supper, and do some laundry before I had to take a nap at 7:20 p.m.  I'm getting there.  


You are doing wonderfully well, Jen. You had major surgery and you are recovering amazingly quickly...even if it feels snail-slow to you. Soon you'll get that second surgery behind you and then...watch out world. xoxo

i don't think you'll be like this forever and ever either. even when our lives had intersected way-back-when-way-too-long-ago, you were always a tough cookie! i have complete faith you will come out of this beautifully, as always. besides, a quesadilla is still delicious - even w/o salsa.

also, even with regular sized bread, this girl often makes two grilled cheeses. i wouldn't worry.

Just a lurker here happy to hear you are doing well and making progress!

Wow. I'm thrilled to see you doing so well, so quickly. That is some major surgery you went through, and you are accomplishing as much as I do in a normal day when I'm healthy. I'm so glad for you that the sick and pain are almost over, and you can get back to enjoying life.

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