Not Calm family mealtime

Tuesday night the kids and I were having supper (Tuesday=Tacos, soft shell) and Sophie and Nate were horsing around, and Sophie, even though I've taught her better manners, pretended to be grossed out and pretended to throw up.  Out of the corner of my left eye, I saw Willow go pale and put her hand up to her mouth, her little body stiffen.  STOP SOPHIE! I yelled, and Willow had a kind of hiccupy shoulder heave and looked woosy.  You're making Willow sick, DON'T. DO. THAT.

So, of course, she and Nate both start in, heaving and gagging and giggling, and Willow again nearly throws up and so I stand up and bang on the table with my fist and say, DUDE, if you make her throw up you will clean it ALL up.

The fake retching stops.  Willow shudders, and starts to cry, climbing into my lap,  They almost made me throw up. That was so GROSS.


Awwww, I wish almost making my little sister throw up was the worst thing I did to her when we were younger. Poor kid and her little tummy.

I hate throwing up sounds. That would have made me almost throw up too! Good save

Sick! Also maddening ;-). Bless her little heart.

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