One that got away

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About two and a half years ago I went to Barcelona.  The entire time I was there, I was photographing doorknobs and crumbling brick walls and graffiti, and my European friends thought I was, well, a total dork, but I didn't really care, because I'd never been to Europe and everything was so old I couldn't get over it.  This one afternoon we were walking past some shops on La Rambla, and a man who was walking behind us and carrying a big banana stopped on the sidewalk and stuck the banana between his legs, rather up high, so he could adjust his coat.  Steve pointed him out to me, saying, There is a shot you shouldn't miss.  And I hesitated, because, well, you know.  And then Steve said to me, totally disgusted (but kindly, too, because he's English), Diane Arbus would've gotten that one. 

He's right.  I totally wish I had. 

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