October 2012 Archives

morning run

I took this picture with my phone while I was out for a walk/run yesterday morning.  I?  Am *not* a runner, but I'm doing the Couch to 5K thing anyway.  I can't keep kidding myself that a few hours of power yoga a month is going to give me a healthy heart (and by "give me a healthy heart" you know I mean "get rid of the spare tire and saddlebags that appeared, as if by magic, when I turned forty a couple of years back.").

I bought Very Expensive running shoes because I am old and creaky and I need to not wreck myself.  I got two pair of running pants, which are tight and not flattering (yet), and I got an Under Armour medium-impact sports bra.  Turns out what I really should have bought was some kind of sports bra for my ass.  I guess the last time I ran in 2005 there was just less that needed to be compressed and contained back there.  On my first day of Couch to 5K, yesterday before work, I drove to the park so I could look at the pretty scenery (and not have any neighbors see me) while I did my thing.  I had a pocket pack of Kleenex, because running=snot, and my iPhone with headphones so I could listen to music and hear the lady tell me when to walk and when to run.  I didn't have any pockets or an armband phone holster, so I just carried my phone and kleenex.  (Dork)

I did the five minute warmup walk, and then it was time to jog.  Holy.Shit.  I am so out of shape, it turns out, that jogging for a minute was really hard and I sort of thought I was going to die.  But I did it, and the longer I did the intervals of walking/jogging, the easier the jogging became.  I passed a bunch of other people out on the trail -- walkers, runners, bikers, rollerbladers, a birdwatcher -- and one of the lady runners was carrying her phone, too, and she had on all of the things (fancy pants, a hat, the right shoes and shirt and stuff), so I felt less dumb carrying my phone.

When I was done I felt really great.  I even jogged a little longer than the app told me to, because I was still far from the car and needed to get going.  I decided then that instead of running three days a week, I'd go every single day and be in great shape in no time.  And then I woke up today and my thighs were all DO NOT MOVE YOUR LEGS, so I decided to take today off and go try again tomorrow morning.  That gives me today to make a better running playlist (yesterday I just had random songs, which was kind of cool because I got to run to Ira Hayes by Johnny Cash and that's totally going on my playlist now), AND to go back to the store and look for some running panties.


My grandparents' house.

Next month I'm going to Camp Mighty where I will share and focus on my Life List.  That means it's time to put it someplace besides in my brain.  It also needs some fluffing and spicing up, so I'll call this a sloppy first draft. 

  1. Dancing lessons with Scuba (swing, maybe, or ballroom) 
  2. Send holiday cards
  3. Start and complete the Couch to 5 K training app thing
  4. Volunteer at the NICU
  5. Move out of this house
  6. Into a house we own
  7. Make dinner with something I grew in the backyard (this should be at least 47 slots because I'm a plant killer)
  8. Organize the photos: analog & digital
  9. Give away a Polaroid camera
  10. Plan my funeral
  11. Adopt a dog
  12. Have another Meyer lemon tree
  13. Own an Airstream
  14. Take a surfing, diving, biking trip along the CA coast in the Airstream
  15. Make perfect crepes
  16. Take a Photoshop class
  17. And a photography class
  18. Sew a dress and wear it
  19. Outline the 2014 trip
  20. Plan the 2014
  21. Take the 2014 trip
  22. Write a book about the 2014 trip
  23. Publish a book about the 2014 trip
  24. Invite a documentary-type person to come on the 2014 trip with me
  25. Watch a film about the 2014 trip in a theatre
  26. Go see the space shuttle Endeavour at that museum in LA
  27. Surf well enough that all the other surfers don't clap for me when I stand up and ride a wave in (nice, but I'd like to do better)
  28. Get the highest thread count sheets anyone's ever seen
  29. Have a soaking tub in my bathroom
  30. Cook with gas (all the time with a gas stove in my kitchen)
  31. Make good corn tortillas
  32. Have a fantastic patio with a great big long table and eat breakfast outside whenever possible
  33. Coffee in Vienna with Scuba
  34. Beer in any German city with Scuba
  35. Croissants in Switzerland with Scuba
  36. Snorkel in Curacao while Scuba dives
  37. Walk the labyrinth at the UU church in San Jose
  38. Sell something I made on Etsy
  39. Restore a piece of furniture
  40. Take a glassblowing or stained glass class 
  41. Write a book (another one after the 2014 book)
  42. Sleep on the beach
  43. See Citizen Kane on the big screen
  44. Visit Hearst Castle
  45. Visit Sylvia Beach's bookstore 
  46. Kite board
  47. Stand up paddleboard
  48. Get a massage in Palm Springs
  49. Take Scuba to New Orleans
  50. Take my family to a national park
  51. Learn to tie my shoes one-handed
  52. Answer questions for someone considering j-pouch surgery 
  53. Drive a tractor
  54. Learn more songs on the ukulele
  55. Take voice lessons
  56. Snowboard
  57. Brew beer
  58. Frame and hang up the stack of unframed prints
  59. Ride a mule to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and back up again
  60. Get married in Hawaii
  61. Go back to Spain
  62. Live in San Francisco for a year
  63. Watch newly hatched baby turtles make their way to the ocean for the first time
  64. Make a quilt
  65. Get a kickass washer, dryer, and dishwasher
  66. Put up a clothesline in the backyard and hang the sheets out to dry in the sun
  67. Purge 1/2 my closet
  68. Take the road to Hana
  69. Red cowboy boots
  70. Fluevogs
  71. Take Willow to a Giants game
  72. Go to another Friday night high school football game in Texas
  73. Get out of debt
  74. Invest in a piece of art
  75. Have a sofa with down cushions
  76. Own a Karmann Ghia (and a 23 window microbus if I have the cash)
  77. Learn how to use MovableType
  78. Build a minigreenhouse in the backyard
  79. Backyard hammock, the kind with a string you pull to swing back and forth
  80. Own a big giant world map
  81. And this map
  82. Hire a housekeeping service
  83. Take the kids to the snow
  84. Set up an earthquake kit
  85. Buy more latte bowls
  86. Get an album for photos of my dad and put it together
  87. See Jolie Holland perform live
  88. Learn how to tie five different kinds of knots
  89. Keep thinking of more things to do
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madonna meets angus young 4th grade style

Remember the doorman guy in the Wizard of Oz who starts off all GO AWAY! and then is in tears because he's so moved by Dorothy and her friends?  That's me today.  I'm grumpy as hell, but when I was walking Willow to school this morning a tiny little blonde boy with a sweet monster-faced backpack went running past us on the sidewalk, panting loudly, his right fist wrapped around the stems of one green and one yellow leaf, each nearly as big as his head, and he was so happy and excited I started crying.  Luckily, I was wearing sunglasses, because, DORK!  Willow would have been so embarrassed to be seen with me.

Also spotted this morning:  two mini trucks.  And they weren't like, part of a team or anything.  You heard it here first (unless you heard it somewhere else first): the second rise of the mini truck is nigh.  

Willow came home from her dad's house last night with those fishnet wristwarmers she's wearing in the photo above.  Her step sister (Bonus sister?  I'm not sure what to call her yet.  Maybe Other Sister?) gave them to her and she slept in them last night.  So. Cute.  When I woke her up for school, she was really excited about the outfit she'd picked out the night before.  As we left for school I asked if I could take her photo.  She said yes and stood with her arms at her side.  Lemme see the gloves I said, and SHE SHOT ME THE BIRD WITH BOTH HANDS, and then her eyes got really big and she covered her face and we both started laughing and she's like, WHOOPS I just accidentally did that!

Next week I am taking a quick trip to Texas to visit my cousin so we can go visit our grandmother.  She recently moved from the house she and my grandfather built in 1954 to an assisted living place (a really nice one).  I'm not sure I can write about it.  My grandmother, that house; you know how some people and places are in the very center of you?  Those are two of mine.  My three other grandparents who have passed away and especially my dad were part of my center, too.  And so was my mom's parents' house.  When they built it, they had a room just for me and my brother since we were the only grandkids at the time.  I think I'm just feeling a little bit hollow.  I am lucky to have Scuba and my kids and my mom and all my other family and Scuba's family and amazing friends.  I should be FINE, right?  And I am fine, but it's different.  And, it's time to walk to the school and get Willow and see how her cool outfit went over with the rest of the fourth graders.  
Partner since June 2006





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